Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bad cats

Merus has been eating like a fiend lately.  She is served oversized meals, and yet that doesn't seem enough.  She scavenges around the kitchen for about an hour after eating in hopes of finding something.  *Sigh*

Last night she decided that the dry food bags on top of the fridge, which have lived there since the cats and I moved in with Nathan, were suddenly fair game:

The bag now has a new home inside a drawer.  Not much later I heard metal scraping.  Turned around to see, and couldn't grab my camera fast enough:

Now, the kittens are nothing if not competitive.  This morning I found the rubber basting brush on the kitchen floor.  I left it in the sink after using it to spread olive oil on bread last night.  Sadie's rubber fetish struck again:

No evidence of any chewed off ends, no pile of orange dotted puke either.  *Sigh*

The half-aero ears indicate plotting.

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