Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nearly a third cat.

After having balled it together.
In celebration of an early spring.

My research group-mates and I were in the computer lab at school until 10:45 last night.  We started ~10:30am.  The last 3.5 hours were all editing, the four of us around a monitor with the Word document enlarged, slooooowly scrolling and making whatever changes we could catch.  Meaning: the final draft of the paper of evilness is done.  Hazzah! 

Didn't get home until just before midnight, didn't get to bed until close to 1am (apparently my third or fourth wind was kicking strong).  Woke at 7:30 this morning simply unable to sleep in, and found the temperature already in the low 60s with sun for miles.  Did a bunch of errands on foot while wearing shorts and a tee with the sleeves rolled up.  If it didn't hit 70 it certainly got close.  At a point I realized -- I didn't have to sit in front of a computer at all today, except if by choice for my own frivolous reasons.  The first day since last August where that was the case.  Oooooh my, did I relish the feeling!  I take the weather change as a personal omen than the paper, the close of the previous affiliation and upcoming start of the next (last!) affiliation are all headed in the right direction. 

To further celebrate the heat, I tackled Merus with the Furminator for a measly five minutes, and that pile pictured above was the result.  It was about two inches thick.  BEST cat investment EVER.  I think Merus lost a few pounds in the process as well.  I swear we nearly gained a kitten.  Tomorrow, Sadie.

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