Saturday, July 14, 2012

Twiddling thumbs

With the boards exam completed and in the bag, but work not starting until later this month (possibly early August, tbd), I have ample time to... well... I'm trying to figure that one out.  It has become a rather simple life of twiddling my thumbs.  I guess I've gotten used to having something to do with all my time. 

I'd clean one little area, feel like I have momentum for the whole room, then suddenly wake up at my computer following race updates from the Hardrock 100 in the San Juan Mountains of CO.  (Side note: The winner finished in just under 25 hours.  Yes, 100 miles with 30,000 feet of cumulative elevation gain and thus 25 hours makes an elite -- elites race at an average 4mph.  As I write this, more than half the entrants are still on course and working hard to beat the 48 hour finish cutoff.)   

Yesterday I baked some muffins (2 parts whole wheat, 1 part coconut flour, 1 part flax meal).  I eat them two at a time.

I also did a true core workout for the first time since January.  Couldn't think of an errand that could be used to get in my walk for the day, so walked Nathan down to Columbus Circle, sent him on a train the rest of the way to work, and walked back to our local grocery store.  

I pulled a thigh high stack of textbooks off my shelf with the intention of selling them, maybe using Amazon's "trade in" program.  I also pulled a knee high stack of notes to recycle.  My filing cabinet just found an entire drawer's worth of space.

I want to see Moonrise Kingdom, the latest Wes Anderson movie, but have to strategize for a day when I feel like seeing a movie before 10am, since that is apparently what now qualifies as a matinee in NYC.  (Insert muttering.)

I've also had more time to hang with the worms.  Merus is showing her goofiness all over the place these days, as evidenced by her cyclic relationship with Nathan's travel bag spanning yesterday and today.  In order of occurrence:

Some day, when I am with paycheck and with access, I will have more pictures of lush greenery and blue sky and muddy feet/legs.  For now, the worms will have to do.  Urban outings just don't look appealing when the air quality haze is practically visible over the miserable city.  Don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to September....

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