Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kitteh Bourdain

The list of foods edible according to Sadie continues to grow.  Currently she eagerly eats avocado, whole beans/legumes, refried beans, arugula, spinach, kale, alfalfa sprouts, watermelon, carrot, brussel sprouts, cheese, and meat.  Most veggies she will eat if dressed (salad stuff) or cooked (carrots, brussel sprouts).  Raw veggies are not her thing.  What a foodie.

We also already know that her tastes are far less civilized than what the aforementioned list implies.  Anything that has rubber, foam, or adhesive draws her like a moth to a flame.  Rubber bands, packaging tape, yoga blocks, shoes, ear plugs... you know, yummy stuff. 

The other night we returned home to find two tiny puddles of frothy liquid just inside the apartment door.  In my year of caring for these worms I have only witnessed or found evidence of Sadie puking.  In all cases was a precipitating cause -- avocado rind, purple foam pellets (formerly from my yoga block), sea foam green cylinders (former ear plug bit in half), that kind of thing.  So when I saw the two empty puddles of puke I new the hunt was on for the real pile.

Nathan found it on the bathroom floor.  It was a whole cockroach.  Bleh.  (For those grossed out by the idea of cockroaches in NYC apartments, this is only the second roach I've found in the 10 months I have lived here and the previous year and a half of visiting here on a regular basis.)

To top that off it was basically the shell, including the head.  It was also about two inches long, exoskeleton as straight as ever, most legs and antennae still attached.  How the hell did that thing fit down (and back up) the throat of a tiny 7-lbs kitteh??  And how were the innards so nicely separated and missing?  Maybe let's not think about that last one.  Bleh.  She could probably compete with the most bizarre of Anthony Bourdain's food escapades. 

Then I realized that I gave her a kiss on the nose before the puke piles were found.  Gross gross gross gross gross....

In the first many upcoming logical segues, here's a shameless reminder:

Help support Nathan's ride from Boston to NYC as a fundraiser for homeless people with AIDS.  Donating is speedy and secure via online here.  So far he's at 8% of the goal.  Remember, every small donation helps more than you think.

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