Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another speedy update

A couple weeks ago I passed my probation at work, which was a six month period.

Just after, Nathan and I had our quick visit to KC so that family and friends could meet Nathan while enjoying pizza and beer, i.e. our non-reception.  From all the running around speed-socializing in few-minute chunks I didn't have much time to do anything else - after everyone left I reached for my coat and bag... and realized I hadn't touched the camera that was lugged all the way from New York specifically for that event.  *Sigh*  I'm at least glad I got to see everyone.

Nathan and I had our six month anniversary over the weekend.  We both worked the day of, then yesterday saw a matinee of Argo and filed our taxes for the first time as 'married filing jointly."   

Only six weeks until the Boston Marathon, which also means two weeks until the NYC Half.  This year I will carry a Bead of Courage at every race, each of which will then be delivered to a different child with serious illness as part of their 13 in 2013 program.  A woman I grew up with has a child undergoing a second round of treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma, and the beads have helped her daughter get through hundreds of steps from tests to procedures. 

We now have the calendar parameters and travel set up for our vacation/honeymoon.   It will be the first vacation for vacation's sake in years.  Three days in Boston, followed by six days in the Colorado front range.  The countdown is synonymous with my prep for the marathon, so there are lots of reason to look forward to April.

I'm going to give bread making by hand one more shot before giving in to the idea of a bread machine.  Our apartment is incredibly difficult to achieve temperatures appropriate for rising dough.  My mom suggested a pan of hot water below the dough in the oven.  I'd probably have to replace it every twenty minutes, and turning on the burner to heat/boil water quickly affects the oven temp.  Anyways, one more time to see what kind of energy and time commitment it requires.  I'm eyeing a Panasonic model based on info I've found online, though I'm also taking suggestion for this or other models.

The sun is present throughout most of my midweek runs now, and Sunday was my first time on the Long Path this season (a bit muddy, but no falls!).  I'm enjoying our chilly pre-spring. 

Speaking of which, off for today's run before work....

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