Monday, February 1, 2016

34 Weeks

I was going to write about all the fun new aspects of being mid-third trimester, like the bladder kicks while I waddle-run and the sometimes insomnia for no reason.  It seems, though, that the degree of Klumsy Katie trumps the rest at the moment. 

So instead of typing all these things out on my computer with my mega finger I am instead pecking them out on my phone with my thumbs. 

Just before Christmas I took a few layers off the end of my left thumb while cutting bread with a serrated bread knife. My mother was less than impressed with the length of time I tend to give a band-aid. 

Yesterday while chopping onions for stew the outermost layer swiftly slipped off the steadfast under-layers, sending the chef knife into the side of my middle finger that I mistakenly assumed was well out off the way. It was quite a bleeder, hence the massive use of gauze -- making my RN mother proud yet again, no doubt -- but luckily my nail prevented a visit to the ED.  

Nathan helped with my snazzy gauze job and then dutifully stayed in the kitchen while I finished the rest of the meal.  I saw his sideways glances, but I didn't argue. The whole process of being pregnant is very much a slow loss of any control of yourself, so it seems.  The next six weeks should prove to be interesting.  Baby has shown the size of its head, pressing out laterally while little toes push into my opposite hip, and I'm trying not to think too much about the little melon having since more weeks of growth...