Last night I woke to use the bathroom at 1:00am, noticing Sadie was not tucked up in our bed like other nights. As I got to the other side of the house I heard her cone scraping a bit. Maybe she was using the litter box again? Turned on the light in the bathroom, both cats over by the shower.
Merus caught my eye since she was frantically searching around the shower curtain, circling in and out, sniffing and looking. That only happens when she knows the presence of beans, avocado, asparagus, and mice.
Sadie had already calmly tri-hopped into the next room. Found her squatted down and facing away under my desk.
Turned on that light, and sure enough there was a tail hanging out of her mouth. That mouse was toast. And, impressively, Bad Cat's cone was intact.
I can never tell if Merus first maimed the critter before Sadie pounced, since Merus only has her front teeth and three canines (no molars), or if Sadie did all the work herself. Either way, it's clear Bat Cat is feeling better and getting back her game. I guess this also helps her keep a high protein post-op diet. Even now as I get ready for my morning waddle "run" she is sitting smug and satiated. Cue purr-fest.